6 Healthy Pantry Swaps

Lets go through your Pantry now!

With all the confusion in our supermarkets and the marketing of our foods, some of us are just not sure what is good for us and what to believe! Do you get that feeling?

I have put together 6 easy pantry swaps that you can implement now and thank me later!

Lets see what they are…


Most people LOVE the smell and taste of freshly baked bread right?


Most breads are made with white flour, white sugar and a heap of other nasties that don’t agree with our digestive system.

Who bloats after eating bread?

Here are some healthier alternatives that you can swap:

  • Using cos or iceberg lettuce as a wrap
  • Sprouted breads like Ezekiel or Essene bread from Health Food Stores
  • Sprouted wraps
  • Mountain bread
  • Make your own from scratch
  • Replace bread with salad or quinoa when having soup.


Most of us grew up believing cereal will make you strong and healthy!

Well that’s what they promoted anyway and still do!

Cereal is full of sugar, artificial colours, and a whole heap of other nasty stuff!! Google the side effects of the ingredients!! Told you!

Try replacing cereal with….

  • Organic Rolled Oats (Hot or cold made with water or nut milk)
  • Bowl of fruit
  • Fresh Juices
  • Smoothies
  • Soaked Quinoa and Flaxmeal with fruit


Majority of sweet recipes or packaged sweets contain white flour.

White flour has been bleached and has lost a lot of its nutrients through processing.

Try to stay clear from it!!

Depending on the recipe you can swap it for much healthier options like…….

  • Coconut flour
  • Almond Meal / Flour
  • Chickpea flour
  • Spelt flour

There are plenty of flourless cake and muffin recipes these days that you don’t need flour!! Same with pancakes!! Do your research!



Raw cacao powder is made by cold-pressing unroasted cacao beans. The process keeps the living enzymes in the cacao and removes the fat (cacao butter).

Cocoa looks the same but it’s not. Cocoa powder is raw cacao that’s been roasted at high temperatures. Sadly, roasting changes the molecular structure of the cacao bean, reducing the enzyme content and lowering the overall nutritional value.

So which to choose? CACAO of course!!

Want to make Chocolate?

It’s super easy!! Check out our recipe here: Healthy Homemade Chocolate


Who is addicted?

Im not going to dive too deep into this one but if you want a healthier alternative I highly recommend Almond milk or Coconut milk to replace what ever it is that you use Cows milk for.

Remember “you are not a baby cow!”

Your best option is to buy some organic raw almonds, soak them and make your own milk. All you need is a blender and a Nut Milk Bag

Your other option is to buy some coconuts, grate the flesh and make your own coconut milk. Seems like a lot of work to me! (Or you can cheat and use shredded coconut)

Homemade Almond milk will last approximately 3 days in the fridge.

Coconut milk if making fresh will only last a couple of hours therefore you need to freeze it or make coconut cream which will last for a few days in the fridge.

You also have the option to buy Almond and Coconut milks from the supermarket but check the ingredients list as majority of the time they only consume like 3% almonds along with added salts and oil.

Almond and Coconut milks are perfect for making smoothies & hot chocolate!!


Your are SWEET enough just the way you are!!!


Parasites and Candida thrive on processed White Sugar! Feeling fatigued? It will weaken your adrenals. Best to throw it out and try an alternative below.

If your looking for a sweetener try healthier options like:

  • Honey
  • Maple Syrup
  • Coconut Sugar
  • Dates
  • Rice Malt Syrup

Just make sure they are organic!

It wont be easy because SUGAR is so ADDICTIVE!!!


What I want you to do is to take time and go through your pantry and fridge, make these small nutritional changes for you and your family.

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Have something you would like me to PANTRY SWAP for you? Comment below!

If any of this information resonates with you please share on your favourite social media sites. Feel free to tag “Insight Into Self Care

Lets send Health & Happiness to everyone we know!

Yours in Health & Self Care

Beck xx

2 thoughts on “6 Healthy Pantry Swaps

  1. Angela says:

    Great read Bec! I try to eat as little bread as possible purely because of the carbs in it. Fortunately I don’t feel bloated after eating it as I only have a slice for breakfast usually. Those sugar alternatives are great too! I’ve tried many a recipe with these and flour alternatives and certainly don’t feel like I am going without. My problem is what my boys bring into the fridge. 🤣 Coke, Mother etc. Im not tempted by them in the least. Just hate seeing them in my fridge.

    • admin says:

      Glad you enjoyed Angela! I hear you with older children making their own health choices with fizzy drinks and so called ‘energy’ drinks. As parents all we can do is advise and educate when we can. They can then make their own choices. Get them to google the side effects of the ingredients! Thank you again for your comment and look forward to chatting with you again on another blog. Take Care x Beck

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